Senin, 12 September 2011


ASTON IMPERIUM Purwokerto Hotel & Convention Center, located in the city center Purwokerto is a destination and idol place where most of people from regional surround such as Wonosobo, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Kebumen and Cilacap are coming for business, leisure to Baturaden Spring water and study in famous University of Sudirman. Now is seeking younger professional candidates to full filled vacant position available as follow:

1. Food & Beverage Manager
2. Public Relation Officer
3. Purchasing Manager
4. Sales Marketing Manager
5. Chief Accountant
6. IT Manager
7. Engineering Supervisor

General Requirements
- Male ( 1, 6, 7 ), Female ( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
- Expert in F & B Management Services ( 1 )
- Familiar with hotel system and able to operate.
- Pleasant personality, attractive, dynamic, strong leadership.
- Able to manage staff with positive manner.
- Computer literate and English is a must both oral and written.
- Minimum One year experience in the same filed and or similar position.

If you are qualified candidate, motivated and willing to explore your capability and more career opportunity with ASTON. Please send your application and curriculum vitae along with your latest color photo by August 31st, 2011 at the latest to:

Human Resources Department
ASTON IMPERIUM Purwokerto Hotel & Convention Center
Jl. Overste Isdiman No.33 Purwokerto 53114 – Central Java
Pre-Opening Office

Jl. Dr. Angka No. 1 Purwokerto

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

CANAPES, Defined, Types and Recipes

CANAPES—A French term literally meaning a " couch," used in a culinary sense as a bed or something to rest savory foods on, usually in the form of bread or toast covered with minces, pastes, etc., then decorated.

ANCHOVY CANAPES—Hard boiled eggs and anchovies finely minced and spread on buttered toast. Also, very shallow gem pans lined with pie paste and baked, then filled when cold with anchovies pounded to a paste with Gruyere cheese, inverted on a circle of buttered toast and garnished with minced gherkins. Also, a mixture of chopped anchovies, grated ham, truffles and gherkins mixed and moistened with salad oil and caper vinegar, then filled into very small patty cases ; served garnished with pieces of toast and aspic jelly.

CANAPES BERNE, OR SWISS CANAPES - Triangle-shaped pieces of toast spread with anchovy butter, decorated with minced whites of eggs down one side, yolks on the other, and the third with minced green gherkins, and a stuffed olive in the centre.

CANAPES OF CRAB—Circles of toast spread with deviled crab meat, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and browned in the oven (called CANAPE LORENZO).

CANAPES OF SMOKED SALMON—Strips of toast spread with anchovy butter, a thin circle of smoked salmon on top, the edges decorated with hard boiled eggs minced and mixed with chopped parsley.

CANAPES OF CHICKEN LIVERS—Chicken livers sautéed with an onion till tender, then pounded to a paste with a dash of anchovy essence, salt, red pepper and butter, piled in pyramid form on fried shapes of bread, smoothed with a knife and made hot in the oven ; served decorated with slices of pimentoes and rings of red chilies.

CANAPES OF SHRIMPS—Fancy shaped slices of toast spread with shrimp paste and decorated with coiled shrimps.

CANAPES OF POTTED TONGUE—Circles of brown bread toast spread with potted tongue and decorated in lattice form with strips of red cooked tongue.

INDIAN CANAPES—Circles of bread fried in butter, spread first with potted ham, then with chutney, strewed with Parmesan cheese, browned in the oven and served.

CANAPES OF POTTED HAM—Strips of toast spread with potted ham, then sprinkled with grated ham, decorated with thin slices of green gherkins.

SARDINE CANAPES—Triangle-shaped pieces of toast spread with a mixture of equal parts of boiled egg yolks and sardines pounded to a paste and seasoned with red pepper and lemon juice, decorated with a coiled anchovy out of oil in the centre.

CANAPES OF CAVIAR—Circles of toast, the edges spread with anchovy butter, with an onion ring as its base, the ring filled with Russian caviar.

OLIVE CANAPES—Circles of buttered toast with a coiled anchovy on it, and a stuffed olive in the centre of the coil. Also circles of toast fried in butter, then spread with anchovy paste, minced olives and capers on top.

CANAPE CHASSEUR—Triangle shaped pieces of toast spread with a game forcemeat, the edges decorated with another forcemeat of game but of different color.

CANAPES OF OYSTERS — Strips of toast spread with blanched and minced oysters mixed into a Hollandaise sauce, sprinkled with parsley dust. Clams may be treated the same way and named accordingly.

SAVORY CANAPES—Strips of toast spread with a mixture of grated ham, cheese, cream sauce and scrambled eggs, the edges decorated with lobster coral.

CANAPE MADISON—Slices of toast on which is laid a thin slice of lean ham spread with French mustard, this again is spread with a cold white sauce containing minced cooked onions, garlic, and cheese; Parmesan cheese is then dredged on top, sprinkled with fine bread crumbs, baked and served.

CHICKEN CANAPES—Circles of toast spread with chicken forcemeat in which is worked cream and butter, dredged with Parmesan cheese and baked, then decorated in the centre with a stamped piece of white of egg.

CREOLE CANAPES—Grated lean ham, onion, garlic and chopped parsley with pieces of peeled tomatoes and minced green peppers, seasoned with salt and pepper, stewed down dry, then spread on strips of buttered toast, dredged with Parmesan cheese and baked.

SCOTCH CANAPES—Breast of chicken, red tongue and lean ham all cut into very small dice, seasoned with nutmeg and a little curry powder, then worked into a thick Vélonté sauce, spread on slices of toast, dredged with Parmesan cheese and baked, (also called, CANAPE ABERDEEN).

CANAPE WINDSOR—Strips of toast spread with a forcemeat of any kind of white fleshed fish, seasoned with mustard and Worcestershire sauce, dredged with Parmesan cheese and baked.

CANAPE CABILLAUD—Triangle shaped pieces of toast spread with a forcemeat made of boiled salt codfish, mixed with minced green peppers and spring onions seasoned with tarragon vinegar, decorated with capers.

MADRAS CANAPES—Circles of toast spread with a mixture of finely minced white fleshed fish, Madras chutney and sweet pickles, moistened with Hollandaise sauce, dredged with Parmesan cheese and baked, (also called, CANAPE WINCHESTER).

CHEESE CANAPES—Strips of bread hollowed out half their thickness, then toasted, the inner part sprayed with Worcestershire sauce, the cavity then fitted with a slice of Swiss cheese, baked, and served very hot.

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Bar Blade for Sale

Dijual Bar Blade

harga promo Rp 80.000,00
order 085747315511


G&C Shop menyediakan alat-alat bar dan kitchen untuk digunakan di restaurant, lounge, cafe, hotel, hospital, dan lain-lain. Juga menjual berbagai aksesories.

Shaker Boston for Bartending Flair

For sale Shaker Boston

Harga Rp 135.000,00

now available ..
for order sms 085747315511

BCA no rek 8610152245
BANK MANDIRI no Rek 137-00-0772376-6
an Arma Samarianto

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Delicious Desserts

A "Dessert" is a meal course that usually comes after dinner. Most often Dessert foods are of sweet food but can also be of a strongly flavored food, such as cheese, like cheese cake. The world dessert comes from the Old French word "desservir", which means 'to clear the table'. Often times in the English language dessert is confused with the word desert(note only one "s"), which is a baren peice of land normally with sand as soil.

It wasn't until after the 19th-century where the rise of the middle class, and the mechanization of the sugar industry, brought the privilege of sweets into the general public and unreserved it exclusively for the aristocracy, or as rare holiday treat. This was because sugar became cheaper and more readily available to the general public. As sugar was widely spread, so was the development and popularity of desserts.

In today's culture dessert recipes have become a popular item for discussion, as they are a winning way to win people over at the end of any meal. This is partly because if you serve a mediocre meal, with an excellent dessert, people will remember you for the dessert and forget about the meal.

Most cultures, have a seperate final distinction between the main course, and the sweet course. This is not true however in some cultures such as Chinese, who will mix in sweet and savoury dishes throughout the entire meal. Dessert is, often times seen as a separate meal or snack, rather than a course, and can be eaten some time after the meal by many individuals. Because of it's wide spread popularity there are even some restaurants that specialize in desserts.

Some of the most common desserts are:
- Biscuits or cookies
- Ice creams
- Meringues
- Fruit
- Cakes
- Crumbles
- Custards
- Gelatin desserts
- Puddings
- Pastries
- Pies or tarts

Lowongan Restauran Internasional di Yogyakarta

Dibutuhkan Cook Helper untuk restauran internasional di Yogyakarta,
syarat : berpengalaman di bidangnya min 1 tahun.
bersedia bekerja dalam konsisi peak order.
mengerti tentang pengolahan makanan.

kirim surat lamaran dan CV ke

Ambarrukmo Plaza mall lantai 1, Yogyakarta

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Lowongan Hotel di Yogyakarta dan Magelang

Di buka lowongan untuk hotel berbintang di Yogyakarta dan Magelang, membutuhkan staff untuk all departement dan all position.

Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta
kirim surat lamaran dan CV ke ;

Hotel Artos Magelang
kirim surat lamaran dan CV ke

Ambarrukmo Palace Hotel (Santika Group)
kirim surat lamaran dan CV

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Lowongan Mustika Princess Hotel Jobs in Jogja

PT Mustika Princess Hotel, owner of Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta, is looking for young and energetic hotelier to join our star team as:
1. Revenue / Reservation Supervisor
2. Front Office Supervisor
3. Chief Security
4. Chef de Partie
Should you are interested in the above position, please send your CV and recent photograph to:

PT Mustika Princess Hotel
Jl. Laksda Adisucipto KM 8.7
or directly to (please in Word document only and not more than 300 Kb) no later than 30 March 2011. We look forward to welcoming you in our team!

Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Istilah Pemotongan dalam Makanan

Potongan cincang:
* Finely chopped, yakni mencincang lembut, misalnya pada bawang putih, bawang bombai atau peterseli.
* Coarsely chopped, atau cincang kasar, biasa digunakan pada tomat dalam pembuatan tomato concase.
* Crush, atau diulek, misalnya pada lada, jahe, atau bawang putih.
* Grate, atau parut, biasa digunakan pada kelapa, keju parmesan, dan bawang bombai.
* Mashed, bahan dicincang dahulu lalu disaring halus, hasilnya berupa bahan yang lembut.

Potongan pada daging:
* Fillet, biasa digunakan pada daging bagian lulur, di mana daging dipotong utuh panjang.
* Cubes, potongan dadu biasa untuk daging dadu 3 cm.
* Mince, potongan yang dicacah lembut.
* Chop, potongan daging dengan tulangnya, untuk bagian iga.
* Slice, potongan tipis melintang.
* Cutlet, daging sapi atau ayam yang dibuang tulangnya lalu diiris tipis.
* Goujons, potongan sebesar ibu jari.
* Rolled, daging diiris tipis, lalu digulung.

Potongan pada sayuran:
* Macedoine, potongan sayuran dadu 1x1 cm, biasanya untuk wortel, buncis, lobak, kentang, dan buah
seperti pepaya dan apel.
* Julienne, potong korek api halus, biasa ditemukan pada salad, tumis sayur, sup, atau acar. Julienne digunakan pada wortel, lobak, kol, atau daun bawang.
* Parisienne, potongan buah atau sayuran dengan menggunakan parisienne cutter, yaitu potongan bulat untuk koktil.

Potongan pada ikan:
* Darne, adalah potongan untuk ikan berbadan bulat seperti tenggiri, dan ikan tongkol.
* Fillet, yaitu potongan utuh panjang dengan tulang dan kulit yang sudah dibuang.
* Paupitte, adalah potongan daging ikan tipis, diisi lalu digulung. Biasa disebut juga rolled fillet.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011


gara gara berita dadakan yang mengejutkan di Jogja. Kejadian seperti ini juga tidak hanya terjadi di Indonesia saja, tetapi di berbagai belahan dunia. Diperkirakan sebuah ufo telah mendarat di jogja..tetapi tetapi berita ini msh diteliti para pakar, baik polisi maupun Lapan....

Pola aneh di sawah Sleman, apakah buatan manusia belaka?

Kawasan pertanian Jogotirto, Sleman, jadi sorotan. Penyebabnya adalah pola besar berbentuk lingkaran, atau biasa disebut "crop circle", yang tercetak di sawah yang menjelang panen. Media memberitakan: ada ahli yang bilang itu akibat angin, ada yang bilang akibat abu vulkanik, dan lainnya. baca selengkapnya....

Menu Teh, Cheese Cake, dan Salad untuk Imlek

Menyambut tahun baru Imlek, kedai kopifranchise dari Los Angeles The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf menyuguhkan tiga menu promo terbaru, Tea Mint Latte, Orange Marmalade Cake, dan Roast Duck Salad. Ketiga menu promosi ini mulai bisa dicicipi di 43 outlet Coffee Bean di seluruh Indonesia mulai 22 Januari 2011 hingga 18 Februari 2011.

"Khusus untuk Roast Duck Salad, menu ini hanya ada pada masa promo. Namun untuk Tea Mint Latte dan Orange Marmalade Cake, jika respons pelanggan baik dan banyak diminati kemungkinan menu ini akan dipertahankan atau bahkan permanen, kita masih harus melihat permintaan pasar 1,5 bulan ke depan," kata Iwan Sulaiman, Business Manager PT Trans Coffee (franchisee The Coffee Bean & The Leaf Indonesia sejak 2006) saat temu media di outlet Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf di Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Rabu (19/1/2011).

Swasti Atika, Marketing Manager PT Trans Coffee mengatakan Lunar New Year sudah menjadi tradisi mendunia. "Momen ini dirasa tepat untuk meluncurkan produk baru, di awal 2011. Menu baru yang disajikan ini memiliki kekhasan sesuai dengan perayaan Lunar New Year yang identik dengan orange," jelasnya.

Jika penasaran dengan menu baru ini, berikut sekilas mengenai detailnya:

* Tea Mint Latte. Teh yang diimpor ini terbuat dari green mint tea dicampurkan dutch chocolate, dan steamed non-fat milk & foam. Minuman yang disajikan hangat ini menyegarkan dengan sensasi mint.

* Orange Marmalade Cake. Cheese cake yang dimodifikasi dengan mengambil momen Imlek yang identik dengan buah jeruk. Cheese cake ini dipadukan dengan kue cokelat dan orange marmalade dengan serpihan kulit jeruk, ditambah lagi biskuit lembut di sisi sampingnya. Menggigit sepotong kue ini mengenyangkan dan segar dengan rasa jeruknya.

* Roast Duck Salad. Salad segar dengan potongan ayam atau salmon sudah menjadi menu permanen di Coffee Bean. Kini, khusus Imlek, dihadirkan bebek yang dipanaskan dalam oven dengan api kecil selama delapan jam.

"Dengan cara masak ini lemak dalam bebek terurai dengan sendirinya. Bumbu yang digunakan juga bisa melunturkan lemak pada bebek. Daging bebek yang dipilih premium, diimpor dari Malaysia. Rasanya juga lebih empuk," kata Didik Sugiarto, Executive Chef Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Makanan sehat ini disajikan dengan salada, tomat, dan potongan bawang bombai yang segar. Dressing lemon dan sesame oil membuat sajian ini tambah segar.

Kedai kopi yang juga memiliki outlet di Bandung, Surabaya, Bali dan Makassar ini memang menawarkan konsep makan yang lengkap. Tak hanya kopi atau teh untuk menemani waktu senggang, kedai ini juga memiliki pilihan menu sarapan dan makan siang, seperti salad atau lasagna. Untuk merayakan Imlek, Anda bisa memesan Orange Marmalade Cake dalam ukuran satu loyang besar, dengan sistem antar.

"Namun memang tak semua outlet melayani delivery. Masih memungkinkan jika jarak tempat tinggal berdekatan dengan outlet sekitar 1-2 km," jelas Iwan.

Khusus bagi pemegang Mega Visa Card dan BRI Card Anda bisa mendapatkan diskon 35 persen untuk pembelian minimum Rp 45.000-Rp 60.000. Jika total pembelian di atas Rp 200.000 Anda bisa menikmati diskon 50

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Apakah Brandy itu?

Brendi (bahasa Inggris: brandy, berasal dari bahasa Belanda, brandewijn) adalah istilah umum untuk minuman anggur hasil distilasi, dan biasanya memiliki kadar etil alkohol sekitar 40-60%. Bahan baku brendi bukan hanya anggur, melainkan juga pomace (ampas buah anggur sisa pembuatan minuman anggur) atau fermentasi sari buah. Bila bahan baku tidak ditulis pada label, brendi tersebut dibuat dari buah anggur asli.

Dalam kebudayaan Barat, brendi adalah minuman yang disajikan sesudah makan. Brendi yang dibuat dari minuman anggur biasanya diberi pewarna karamel untuk meniru warna brendi yang lama disimpan di dalam tong kayu. Brendi dari pomace atau sari buah biasanya langsung diminum tanpa melalui proses pematangan di dalam tong kayu, dan tidak diberi pewarna.


Asal-usul brendi tidak begitu jelas, namun kemungkinan berhubungan dengan perkembangan teknik distilasi. Minuman beralkohol yang diminum orang Romawi dan Yunani kemungkinan teknik pembuatannya berasal dari Babilonia kuno. Brendi yang sekarang dikenal orang, diperkirakan mulai diproduksi sejak abad ke-12, dan menjadi populer pada abad ke-14.

Pada mulanya, orang menyuling minuman anggur sebagai salah satu cara pengawetan dan pedagang mudah membawanya. Kemungkinan juga orang zaman dulu menyuling anggur agar volumenya menjadi lebih sedikit, dan pajak yang harus dibayar menjadi lebih sedikit. Orang mulanya berpikir nantinya sebelum diminum, anggur bisa ditambah air lagi. Namun ternyata setelah disimpan di dalam tong kayu, minuman anggur yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih bagus. Selain berkurangnya kadar air, berbagai senyawa aroma terbentuk sekaligus terpecah selama proses distilasi.

Jenis brendi

Konyak merek Martell di dalam gelas
  • Brendi anggur (grape brandy), distilasi dari hasil fermentasi sari buah anggur.
  • Brendi anggur Amerika asal California. Merek-merek yang terkenal antara lain: Christian Brothers, Coronet, E&J, Korbel, and Paul Masson.
  • Armagnac, brendi dari bahan baku anggur asal kawasan Armagnac di barat daya Perancis (Gers, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne). Merek-merek yang terkenal antara lain: Darroze, Baron de Sigognac, Larressingle, Delord, Laubade, Gélas, dan Janneau.
  • Brandy de Jerez, brendi dari daerah Jerez, Spanyol.
  • Konyak dari kawasan Cognac di Perancis. Merek-merek yang terkenal antara lain Hine, Martell, Rémy Martin, Hennessy, Ragnaud-Sabourin, Delamain, dan Courvoisier.
  • Lourinhã, brendi asal kawasan Estremadura, sebelah barat Portugal.
  • Brendi anggur Afrika Selatan adalah brendi yang dibuat dengan resep yang sama dengan konyak. Penyulingan dilakukan dua kali di ketel dari tembaga, dan disimpan di tong kayu ek paling sedikit tiga tahun.
  • Brendi pomace (pomace brandy) adalah brendi dari fermentasi ampas buah, biji, dan tangkai buah anggur sisa pengambilan sari buah anggur.
  • Brendi buah (fruit brandy) adalah brendi dari sari buah selain anggur, seperti apel, persik, prem, aprikot, ceri, raspberry, dan blackberry). Brendi buah biasanya bening dengan kadar alkohol 80 hingga 90 proof, dan biasanya diminum dingin atau dicampur es.

Label brendi

Brendi mempunyai sistem kelas untuk menunjukkan kondisi dan kualitas.

  • A.C. : sudah disimpan 2 tahun di dalam tong kayu.
  • V.S. : "Very Special" atau bintang 3, sudah disimpan paling sedikit 3 tahun di dalam tong kayu.
  • V.S.O.P. : "Very Special Old Pale" atau bintang 5, sudah disimpan paling sedikit 5 tahun di dalam tong kayu.
  • X.O. : "Extra Old", Napoleon atau Vieille Reserve, sudah disimpan paling sedikit 6 tahun, khusus Napoleon paling sedikit 4 tahun.
  • Vintage : sudah disimpan di dalam tong kecil hingga sebelum dibotolkan, dengan lama penyimpanan ditulis pada label.
  • Hors D'age: brendi yang sangat tua, biasanya berumur lebih dari 10 tahun, dan biasanya berkualitas terbaik.

Sejarah Liquor

Liquor - Nama jelas Amerika, ditulis dua puluh lima tahun setelah inggris menetap di pulau pada tahun 1651. Demikian seperti dikutip dalam The Academy, "Kepala minuman yang mereka buat di pulau ini Rumbullion, alias Kill-Divil, dan ini dibuat dari gula suling tongkat, di mana produk akhirnya berakhir panas, kejam, dan mengerikan minuman keras."

Ini adalah kiasan awal-dikenal dengan minuman keras rum, kata tersebut diselenggarakan oleh beberapa antiquaries dalam apa yang tampaknya agak tegang penjelasan untuk menjadi rum gipsi, yang berarti kuat, atau perkasa. Kata rum adalah pada tanggal yang sangat awal diadopsi dan digunakan sebagai slang universitas Inggris.

Referensi dari Amerika untuk kata rum (yang berarti minuman keras) terjadi pada bulan Mei, 1657, melarang penjualan minuman keras (strong liquors) "apakah knowne dengan nama rumme, strong water ', brendi, dsb, dll" Di beberapa daerah di Amerika rum disebut pada awal hari Barbadoes-minuman keras, kadang-kadang juga Barbadoes-brendi.

Orang-orang Indian menyebutnya ocuby, atau seperti yang dieja dalam Norridgewock, lidah, ah-coobee. Banyak dari pemukim putih awal yang disebut dengan nama yang sama. Membunuh-setan adalah nama yang paling universal, bukan hanya sebuah nama slang, tetapi perdagangan-istilah yang digunakan dalam tagihan penjualan.

Source: mario'

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Cooking Methods

Baking Method

Baking is a way of cooking sweet or savory items in the dry heat of an oven.
Although baking itself is a relatively easy process, it is good to have some knowledge of the role each ingredient plays in creating the final dish.

Different ingredients strengthen, bind, thicken, sweeten, leaven and add moisture. Some ingredients, like milk and sugar, perform multiple roles. And others will only carry out their duties under very specific conditions. For this reason baking is often compared to the science of chemistry.

You shouldn't be intimidated by baking though. A reasonable knowledge of basic methods and ingredient functions opens up a world of variety and creativity that is theraison de faire cuire au four of the typical pastry chef.

Recipes :


(South American dulce de leche sandwich cookies)

While they have origins in Moorish Spain, alfajores are especially popular in South America. They are simple shortbread sandwich cookies with a sweet filling ofdulce de leche. Different doughs are used for the cookies depending on the country. Some use normal flour dough, while others add cornstarch or even cassava flour for a more delicate crumb. This recipe uses a mixture of flour and cornstach.

Makes 20 cookies

  • Cornstarch -- 1 cup
  • Flour -- 1 cup
  • Baking powder -- 1 teaspoon
  • Unsalted butter -- 12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks)
  • Sugar -- 3/4 cup
  • Egg yolks -- 2
  • Dulce de leche -- 1 cup


  1. Sift the cornstarch, flour and baking powder together in a medium bowl. In a mixer bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks, beating until they are incorporated.
  2. Reduce the mixer speed to low and add the flour mixture in 3 batches, allowing each batch to become incorporated before adding the next.
  3. Form the dough into a disc without handling it too much. Wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
  4. Preheat oven to 350°F. Remove the dough to a lightly floured work surface and roll out to about 1/8-inch thick. Cut out 40 2-inch rounds, and carefully place the rounds on two lightly greased cookie sheets.
  5. Bake for 9 to 10 minutes, but not so long that they begin to brown. Remove from the oven and cool for 5 minutes. Then remove the cookies to wire racks and cool completely.
  6. Spread about 2 teaspoons of dulce de leche on the flat half of a cookie and cover it with the flat half of another cookie to form a sandwich. Repeat with the remaining cookies. If desired, sprinkle the finished cookies with powdered sugar.


  • For extra flavor, try adding one or more of these to the dough when you add the eggs: 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract; 1 tablespoon of brandy or cognac; 1 tablespoon of lime or lemon zest.
  • Use more dulce de leche on each cookie so that some squeezes out the sides. Then roll the edges in grated coconut or ground nuts.
  • Fill the cookies with your favorite jam instead of dulce de leche.

ANZAC Biscuits

(Australian, New Zealand oatmeal and coconut cookies)

These tasty biscuits (called "cookies" in the U.S.) got their beginning during World War I. Mothers and wives with boys in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) worried they weren't eating well. So they devised a sweet treat in a time of rationing that would travel well in care packages sent a world away. These days ANZAC biscuits are enjoyed on ANZAC Day (April 25) to remember the sacrifices of the men in WWI. They also make a great food for hikers and campers.

Desserts | ANZAC Biscuits

Makes about 2 dozen

  • Rolled oats -- 1 cup
  • Flour -- 1 cup
  • Shredded coconut -- 1 cup
  • Sugar -- 1 cup
  • Butter -- 8 tablespoons
  • Golden syrup or corn syrup -- 2 tablespoons
  • Water -- 2 tablespoons
  • Baking soda -- 1 teaspoon


  1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Add the oats, flour, coconut and sugar to a large bowl and mix together.
  2. Add the butter, golden or corn syrup and water to small saucepan. Set over a low flame and heat until the butter is completely melted, whisking all the ingredients together. Remove from heat and stir in the baking soda.
  3. Pour the butter mixture into the dry ingredients and use a spatula or fork to mix the ingredients together.
  4. Drop tablespoonfuls of the batter onto a greased baking pan, leaving room for them spread out a bit. Bake for anywhere from 12 to 18 minutes. The shorter time will yield chewy biscuits. Baked for the longer time, the biscuits become more crispy.


(Austrian apple strudel pastry)

Hot apple strudel is one the most famous and delicious desserts to come out the kitchens of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Supple dough is stretched paper thin and rolled up around a tart-sweet filling of apples and raisins.
Desserts | Apfelstrudel

Apple strudel is especially associated with Viennese cuisine, where it is often served with coffee as an afternoon snack. But its popularity extends throughout the former empire and into Germany as well. Called almásrétes in Hungary.

10 to 12 servings

Strudel Dough

  • Flour -- 1 1/2 cups
  • Salt -- pinch
  • Water -- 1/4 to 1/3 cup
  • Egg -- 1
  • Oil -- 1 tablespoon

Apple Filling

  • Tart apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced -- 2 pounds
  • Raisins, soaked in warm water -- 1/4 cup
  • Sugar -- 1/2 cup
  • Cinnamon -- 1 tablespoon
  • Vanilla -- 1 teaspoon
  • Butter, melted -- 1/2 cup
  • Breadcrumbs -- 1/2 cup
  • Powdered sugar -- 1/4 cup


  1. In a large bowl, mix together the flour and salt. Make a well in the center of the flour and pour in 1/4 cup of the water, the egg and the oil. Stir the wet ingredients into the flour with a wooden spoon, adding more water as needed to form a soft, pliable dough. Remove the dough to a lightly floured work surface and knead until it is smooth and elastic, 5 or 6 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside to rest for at least an hour.
  2. While the dough is resting, peel and slice your apples and soak the raisins. Gather the remaining ingredients needed for the filling to have them on hand. Preheat your oven to 400°F.
  3. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the dough into a large, thin rectangle. Lay a clean bed sheet out on a table and lightly sprinkle it with flour. Place the rectangle of dough in the middle of the sheet. Lightly flour your hands and place them underneath the dough. Use the back of your hands to pick up the dough and gently stretch it from the center to the edges. Keep stretching — moving around the table to stretch all sides of the dough — until it is a large rectangle and thin enough that you can almost see through it. Don't worry if you have one or two tears. Just pinch the dough back together.
  4. In a large bowl, mix together the apples, raisins, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. Brush the stretched dough with melted butter, leaving an unbuttered border of about 2 1/2 inches on each side. Sprinkle the buttered section of the dough with the breadcrumbs. Then spread the apple mixture evenly over the breadcrumbs.
  5. Fold the borders on the shorter sides of the dough rectangle up and over the filling. Use the sheet to gently lift one of the long sides of the dough and roll it over the apple filling. Continue to lift the sheet and roll the strudel until it is all rolled up.
  6. Fold the borders on the shorter sides of the dough rectangle up and over the filling. Use the sheet to gently lift one of the long sides of the dough and roll it over the apple filling. Continue to lift the sheet and roll the strudel until it is all rolled up.
  7. Gently lift the strudel, seam side down, onto a large baking pan that is either lightly greased or lined with baking paper. You may have to bend the strudel into a crescent shape in order to fit it on the baking pan. Set in the oven and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until cooked through and golden brown on top. Brush the top of the strudel with melted butter once or twice during baking if you like.
  8. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve slices hot accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream or topped with whipped cream or vanilla sauce.


  • Dough: Some recipes leave out the egg. Add more water as needed to make up for the lost liquid. If making strudel dough by hand seems daunting, you can use puff pastry or phyllo dough instead. Most brands have instructions on the packaging to use for strudels. In Austria and Germany you can buy ready-made dough that is specifically for strudels.
  • Dough: Some recipes leave out the egg. Add more water as needed to make up for the lost liquid. If making strudel dough by hand seems daunting, you can use puff pastry or phyllo dough instead. Most brands have instructions on the packaging to use for strudels. In Austria and Germany you can buy ready-made dough that is specifically for strudels.
  • Apples: Tart, firm apples — Granny Smith, Jonathon, Empire, Cortland — are best for baking and in strudels. If your apples are a little too sweet for your taste, add a squeeze of lemon juice to the filling.
  • Filling Additions: Other ingredients that you can add to the filling include a dash of chopped, toasted almonds or walnuts, a grating of lemon zest, a dash of rum extract.
  • Other Fillings: Experiment with other fruit fillings — cherries, plums — or try using a savory filling like sauteed mushrooms or ham and Swiss cheese.
  • To make two smaller strudels, cut the dough in two after kneading.

Banana Bread

(Caribbean sweet quickbread)

Banana bread is eaten in many countries, of course. But it is especially popular in the Caribbean, particularly in Aruba, Jamaica and the Bahamas. Serve slices with dollop of whipped cream and a cup of coffee or hot tea. Also great for breakfast or as a snack for kids.
Breads | Banana Bread

Makes 1 medium-sized loaf

  • Flour -- 2 cups
  • Baking powder -- 1 tablespoon
  • Salt -- 1/2 teaspoon
  • Nutmeg -- 1/4 teaspoon
  • Butter, softened -- 8 tablespoons
  • Sugar -- 1/2 cup
  • Eggs, beaten -- 2
  • Vanilla -- 1 teaspoon
  • Ripe bananas, mashed until smooth -- 1 pound (around 2 or 3)
  • Pecans or walnuts, chopped -- 1/2 cup
  • Raisins -- 1/3 cup


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F and butter or grease a 9x5-inch loaf pan. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg together into a large bowl.
  2. Add the butter and sugar to the bowl of an electric mixer and beat them together on medium-high speed until light and fluffy. Reduce speed to medium and add the eggs and vanilla, beating until they are fully incorporated.
  3. With the mixer running on medium-low, add 1/3 of the flour mixture. Next add 1/2 of the bananas, followed by another 1/3 of the flour, the remaining bananas and the rest of the flour. Continue mixing just until all the ingredients are incorporated.
  4. Toss the nuts and raisins with a tablespoon of flour and then gently stir them into the batter. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake for 50 to 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  5. Cool in the pan for about 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack or serving plate. Serve warm or cool.


  • You can eliminate the nuts and raisins if you like. Or just any combination of your favorite ingredients: shredded coconut, chocolate chips, other nuts, currants. Give the batter some flair by mixing in a teaspoon of rum extract or a couple teaspoons of lime or lemon zest.